The Avery® 11444 Index Maker unpunched 8-tab divider set with clear label strips is perfect for organizing projects and other important documents. With an unpunched binding edge, these 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheets conveniently fit most binding systems for easy use, and they can be customized with self-adhesive labels, allowing you to have quick access to your files. Plus, the tabs can be used in either a landscape or portrait configuration, so you don’t have to change your documents to match one way or the other.
Boasting a reinforced clear binding edge, this 8-tab set is made to resist rips and tears to ensure longevity in your office or business. In keeping with eco-friendly business trends, the paper is made from 20% post-consumer recycled content. For a clean, professional look, the adhesive labels can be printed with custom text using free software. It is compatible with both laser and inkjet printer