EDUCATIONAL INSIGHTS – Nancy B’s Science Club® Reflections Kaleidoscope


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Discover the beauty of light! Adjust the mirrors to change the patterns you see, add your own objects to the water-tight chamber to create new patterns, or remove the chamber to view the world with a brilliant, kaleidoscope effect! 

Psst…They’re Learning! 

  • Introduces key concepts from physics and geometry including light, reflection, angle measurements, and patterns
  • Encourages scientific curiosity, exploration, and discovery
  • Supports STEM learning

Cut to the Chase 

  • Kaleidoscope with fully adjustable mirrors and degree gauge; watertight chamber for adding liquids and objects, beads, craft mirror, and ball for additional experimentation
  • 22-Page activity journal includes step-by-step experiment instructions and promotes creative thinking through writing, drawing, and other exercises
  • 2-in-1 Kaleidoscope and Teleidoscope!
  • The ONLY adjustable kaleidoscope for kids!